Thursday, May 3, 2012

Maxpedition Is Back -- On YouTube!

Hey folks, it’s blog time! We announced that Maxpedition had some great stuff in the works last week, and now we have something to show for our kinda secret efforts.

We get lots of questions about our gear here, and while we’re happy to answer them on Facebook, Twitter, and by e-mail – we figured it was high time we took it to the next level.

We’re officially re-launching our Maxpedition YouTube Page, where we’ll be answering questions, showcasing gear, and helping you get to know us that much better!

This is just another level of interaction we here at Maxpedition Headquarters have wanted to develop with our excellent and loyal customers -- and we’re glad to finally debut our first video here in this blog.

Hey, what do you say we get to it?

Click the following links for a quick jump to each featured product's page on Maxpedition's Website:

#1309 8" x 12" Pistol Case / Gun Rug
#0601 MPB™ Multi Purpose Bag
#0439 Mongo™ Versipack®
#0422 Lunada™ Gearslinger®
#0434 Noatak™ Gearslinger®

Just like the video says, you can send your questions via Twitter, and by LIKING our Facebook Fan Page. All questions will be fielded from that account, so get aboard the Fan Page train and send us those inquiries, comments, and reactions to our video offerings. Also, of course – you can comment below the YouTube video itself.

Thanks for watching folks – we’ll be back soon with a brand new video, and more silly hats for Rick, because that’s how we roll. 

Stay Tactical and Practical, 


1 comment:

Chris said...

Looks good! I use the Mongo and Pistol case with my IPad all the time.

I'd love to see something similar with some laptops such as the larger Macbook Air.

Especially to see how it will fit in the coming soon Vesper Messenger Bag.